Proof in the Process – Perfecting My Brand:

Alyaman Alhayek Design


Alyaman Alhayek Design is my digital design company based in New Jersey and New York City. I work on brand development using graphics, web design, and video.

My mission here? Perfecting my own brand.


Show clients how I can benefit them using my own brand as a case study.

Specialize my services as a brand to show I am an expert and not a generalist.


Alyaman Alhayek Design created a successful case study that showcases design skills applied through mockups. This gave clients proof of a process that works used on my site with results they can see in their application and business.


My clients are – young passionate side hustlers, bottom-line focused restaurant/business owners, strong independent mothers, workaholic social media influencers, studious intellectual doctors, among many more.

To truly understand all their needs, I’ve created user profiles to represent the range of these clients and more. These profiles help paint a clear picture of their backgrounds, needs, and wants.


By going through several exercises, discovery sessions, studying, and research I have defined my brand: How it should look, sound, and be experienced.

-Striving for Perfection









Understanding what my brand is helped me position my company and what I do for my clients: PERFECT YOUR BRAND.


When I do something I try to perfect it –i.e. do it to the best of my ability.

Perfection itself is impossible, but striving for it will keep me failing. Failure provides an opportunity to learn and improve.

In this way, I will always continue to PERFECT MY BRAND.

Creating my entire identity system with this in mind helps me reflect my brand throughout my website, social media, and all other touchpoints.

This identity includes my finalized logo, color palette, typeface, iconography, and elements. Together this creates a more cohesive experience for my customers both physically and digitally.

Photography by Frank Almonte

Photography by Frank Almonte


A PERFECT complete experience. I redesigned my website around 2014 to establish the Alyaman Alhayek Design brand online. The goal of the redesign was to offer my services as a design business and use past work as a tool to do so.

The original site was simply serving as a portfolio and had little if any traffic other than what I directed. Once I redesigned the website there was an immediate and measurable improvement with a 564.7% increase in page views, a 42% drop in bounce rate, and an average time of 4:25 min on the page.

As part of my web design process, I analyzed and researched similar competitive sites. This research informed and influenced the structure and design of the website.

From the home page or blog post, users are given top-line information defining exactly what Alyaman Alhayek Design provides. Information of value to them follows as they scroll down while keeping contact for services a click away.


Alyaman Alhayek Design has been working with more clients every year since 2011! What started as a portfolio and some side hustle projects in college has developed into a complete brand and design business. Thank you to all my clients from the very start and to you for reading this. I look forward to working with you.

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